Sunday Gaming Day
Every second Sunday I meet up with my friends to play D&D. Before that, I get a chance to play some other games.
For instance, this last Sunday we played:
- Lord of the Rings boardgame with the Sauron expansion
- San Marco boardgame
- D&D Miniatures
Unusually, we didn't end up playing D&D. I'm taking a break from DMing - I've been running this group for the past three and a half years - and Gofa's taking a shot with a swashbuckling game. However, Gofa couldn't make it to the session, so I ran them through a session of the Star Wars RPG - 1st edition. That's the one published in 1987 by West End Games.
I spent three happy years playing the original SW RPG, so slipping back into using the rules (even after a break of about eight years) wasn't hard. I hope Julian, Greg and Ben enjoyed themselves. Actually, I know Greg did, and we're planning to run a Star Wars RPG campaign.
Using the 3.5E rules. (That's the revised d20 rules from Wizards). Why those rules rather than the enjoyable D6 System rules? I'm not quite sure - but I think part of the reason is that I prefer the character advancement you get in a class-based game, rather than a skill-based game.
So, it's likely that we'll be soon meeting on every Sunday - one week for the Greyhawk D&D 3.5E campaign, and the next week for the Star Wars campaign. Of course, this probably means I'll need to get some of the Star Wars collectible miniatures... or Greg will have to. (I'd prefer it if Greg got them).
There's just one slight drawback to using the Revised Star Wars rules - no-one in the group has them! (Yes, that's a slight drawback). Greg and I have the original set of rules, but we never quite got around to picking up the new set.
I ordered a copy today from my FLGS. (Friendly Local Gaming Store). I discovered there are two other people in Ballarat also ordering the revised SWRPG rules as well. Odd! Hopefully they'll get in before I have to run the next session. ;-)
It's going to be an expensive month. In addition to feeding myself (doing cooking, shopping, washing, etc.) I also want to pick up more Archfiends and the Expanded Psionics Handbook. We'll see what happens.
In any case, there should be some fun Sundays coming our way!
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