What's happened lately to Merric Blackman, gamer and maintainer of the D&D Miniatures Game Information Page.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Friday's Games

Well, I managed to play FOUR games of D&D Miniatures yesterday, which I'm very happy about.

The first three games were played against Gerard.

Game 1: 500 point - Chambers of Dread

I played my Nightwalker warband, Gerard played a Huge Gold Dragon warband with a Paladin of Torm, Cleric of Order, Dwarven Defender, Healers (x2) and Cleric of Moradin.

The Nightwalker moved to engage the HGD whilst my Cleric of Drow kept it in command. The ghasts and Maws sacrificed themselves against the HGD... the HGD kept making its saves vs. the Nightwalker's spells, and the NW started losing hit points at a rapid rate.

Eventually, with only 35 hp remaining, the NW rolled a natural 20 and according to the rules of the scenario, the HGD died. The Paladin of Torm rolled a 20 against the NW, but then Gerard rolled a 1 for the Conceal check, and the game was mine.

Game 2: 100 point - Random Terrain

Gerard's warband was a Eye of Gruumsh, Cleric of Gruumsh and a Githyanki Fighter.

Basically, my Scarlet Brotherood Monks did a lot of damage to the Eye, forcing it to rout (although I lost a couple of Monks in the process), and then my other figures held the day.

Game 3: 100 point - Misty Ruins

Same warbands as game 2, and the game was much closer - I was just very lucky at the end when all my monks were dead, Urthok managed to slay the Eye with a couple of Crits.

Game 4: Dread Beast scenario

Gerard's Huge Dragon band vs. my 225 band and an Orc Champion x3 band of Greg's... Gerard owned this game. Almost all our figures were dead... and then the HGD failed a morale save when only two squares from his exit.


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