What's happened lately to Merric Blackman, gamer and maintainer of the D&D Miniatures Game Information Page.

Monday, December 19, 2005


I've just picked up my 3rd and 4th packs of Underdark. (I picked up the first two on my birthday, Friday last week).

Pack 3: Dwarf Ancestor, Halfling Sneak, Drow Arcane Guard, Loyal Earth Elemental, Dark Creeper, Royal Guard, Mercenary Sergeant, Elf Stalker

Pack 4: Large Deep Dragon (yay!), Orc Skeleton, Skeletal Equiceph, Spirit Folk Fighter, Half-Ogre Barbarian, Royal Guard, Monitor Lizard, Duergar Champion

There seems to be a certain lack of "monsters" in the packs I've bought so far. Perhaps I'm imagining things - well, they mostly seem to be humanoid.

I've also bought my brother's Christmas present: TTR:E.

Need to pick up a couple of presents for my father and stepmother; and that'll be it for my funds this month. I hate being paid once per month.

I'm continuing to argue the case for Magic of Incarnum on the Wizards boards - there are some that just don't get that 16d6 acid damage as a touch attack is good. Because some creatures are immune to acid, it doesn't count. Go figure.


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