What's happened lately to Merric Blackman, gamer and maintainer of the D&D Miniatures Game Information Page.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

D&D products in early 2005

Nothing that new here (I'm still waiting for the product announcements for the second third of the year), but I thought I'd arrange the upcoming products into some sort of order.

Core Dungeons & Dragons
* Complete Adventurer (hero series): January
* Races of the Wild (races series): February
* Sandstorm (environment series): March
* Codex Anathema (monster series): April

D&D Miniatures
* Set 6: Deathknell: March

* Grasp of the Emerald Claw (adventure): January
* Races of Eberron (race series): April
* The City of Towers by Keith Baker: January
* Marked for Death by Matt Forbeck: March

Forgotten Realms
* Ancient Empires (region): February
* nine, including several reprints

also various DL novels & reprints of novels.

Well, Wizards continue their post-3.5e policy of having slightly more releases per month, as well as having books in various series. Some of the series I've named above aren't explicitly defined as such, but it's fairly obvious what they are. Interestingly, the advertising material for Races of Eberron describes it as a "race series" book; something not in the description of Races of the Wild. ;-)

The miniatures releases have slowed now to three per year; though there's a big (five-month) gap between Set 5: Aberrations and Set 6: Death Knell. Fine by me! I might just be able to get my finances into order...

With Complete Adventurer and Races of the Wild, the obvious books in the Hero and Races series have been completed. What next? Does the Planar Handbook qualify as a Hero series book? Possibly. If so, it might give some hints for the topic of future books.

The Environment line of books still has a way to go, however, and is something I'm very much looking forward to. The Monster books don't interest me quite as much, though I probably should get Libris Mortis, for undead are a big part of any campaign I run...

With Grasp of the Emerald Claw, the initial run of Eberron adventures comes to its end. With releases of July 2004, September 2004 and January 2005, that's been fairly quick going for a series of adventures I consider fairly memorable. (Certainly they've gotten me interested in Eberron! ;)) There have been comments that Wizards will be making more adventures, but we don't have any idea what form they might take - certainly not in the first four months of 2005!

Forgotten Realms remains on the slow release of material (not counting the novels, which are springing up everywhere!) As I'm no longer a FR fan, this doesn't affect me - and I don't know if it worries those still playing FR, because there's certainly a lot of material already available for them.

So, that's the near future for D&D, as revealed by the Wizards Product Pages. Lots of things I'm interested in: basically all the core and Eberron releases, excepting Codex Anathema, so I'm looking forward to 2005. I'm also looking forward to seeing what they have planned for the later part of the year.


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